Breese DS, M-Squared Breese DS single place light sport eligible aircraft. |
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M-Squared Breese DS single place light sport eligible aircraft. | | Paul Mather owner of M-Squared Inc. has been involved in the ultralight and light sport aircraft industry since it's inception back in the 70's. In 1996 he started M-Squared with the initial idea of producing parts for the industry. With the success of his parts sales he then branched out into the design and manufacturer of ultralight and light sport aircraft kits. | In 1999 he introduced two new light sport aircraft models to his line the Breese SS and the Breese DS. With the M-Squared factory located on the Gulf Coast it was only natural that the two craft would be fitted to floats. With float operation in a salt water environment, M-Squared has developed a number of specialty products to add to safety and extend aircraft and airframe life. The M-Squared Breese SS is a single surface, high wing, single-place ultralight type aircraft, with a maximum take-off weight of 750 lbs. It features tri-cycle gear landing gear, with a steerable nosewheel in a pusher configuration. Controls are standard stick and rudder with a left hand stick and right hand throttle. The wings are aerodynamic strut braced, with a multiple tube-braced tail. As light sport aircraft the craft are delivered to the customer ready to fly. | M-Squared Breese DS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | M-Squared Breese DS PERFORMANCE | Takeoff Distance, Ground Roll | | Takeoff Distance, 50 Ft Obstacle | | | | Max Level Speed, Sea Level | | Landing Distance, 50 Ft Obstacle | | Landing Distance, Ground Roll | | | | | | | M-Squared Breese DS CRUISE PERFORMANCE | | | | | | | | | | M-Squared Breese DS AIRSPEEDS | | | | | | | | | | | VsO (Stall, Flaps down, power off) | | | | | For more information contact: M-Squared, Inc. R.P. Crigler Aerodrome St. Elmo Airport (2R5) 10050 A Hwy. 90 West St. Elmo Airport P.O. Box 457 St. Elmo, AL 36568 (251) 957-1533 |  M-Squared Breese DS single place light sport eligible aircraft.
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