Skylark LSA, Skylark lightsport aircraft 2007 AOPA convention, Lightsport Aircraft Pilot video newsmagazine. |
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Skylark lightsport aircraft, | | The World's first Lightsport and Ultralight Aircraft web video magazine! Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of web video interviews with ultralight and light sport aircraft designers, manufactures, builders, and suppliers. Including Rotax 377, 447, 503, 532, 582, and HKS aircraft engine rebuilding videos! Click here for more information! | | The Skylark is a two-seat, side by side seating, low wing metal and composite lightsport aircraft that is manufactured in the Czech Republic by Skylark Light Sport Aircraft and assembled in Germany. Once assembled they are then test flown in Germany, then the wings are removed and they are shipped via container to the U.S. when they are reassembled and again test flown prior to delivery to the customer. The Skylark is powered by the Rotax 912 S 100 HP aircraft engine, spinning a three blade ground adjustable all composite propeller. The factory reports a cruise speed of 135 mph, with a climb rate at gross of over 1200 feet per minute. With the 25 gallons of fuel on board this gives the plane a range of 500 to 600 miles depending on the power setting. The low wing design coupled with the sliding bubble style canopy gives an excellent 300 degrees of visibility. Ground handling is via a steerable nose wheel and toe brakes. Controls are standard dual stick and rudder with three position manually operated flaps. The flap handle is centrally located for access by either pilot and can be recessed 10 degrees for increased cruise speed. According to the factory the Skylark has been flying for over three years in Europe and was first introduced at Sun N Fun two years ago. Currently there are 12 registered under the lightsport aircraft category in the U.S. For more information: | 2059 E. Bear Ridge CV Draper, UT 84020 USA 801-420-6176 | ![Skylark lightsport aircraft,](images/aopa-07/ Skylark lightsport aircraft from at AOPA Convention 2007 | | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Index for this section. | |
For hours and hours of web video interviews on the world of Light Sport Aircraft subscribe to the Ultralight Flyer web video magazine - A yearly subscription gives you access to web video on Light Sport aircraft, aircraft builders, Light Sport Aircraft manufacturers, designer, accessories and much, much more! |
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