Quicksilver Sprint II construction, tube and wire bolt together construction.

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Quicksilver MX series Sprint II construction.

The Sprint II is a "tube and wire," style of aircraft using bolt together assembly construction.

That is all of the tubes are bent and drilled and the builder simply puts it together like a big "Meccano set."

The MX series of aircraft has lead the industry in this style of construction. The kit completely bubble packaged on boards, so that there can be no missing parts. The manuals concise with step by step pictures and diagrams.

The aluminum tubing is all aircraft grade ensuring the highest quality. With all tubing pre-anodized to help cut down on corrosion. The sails are pre-cut and sewn ready for installation.

Assembly or building of the kit can be done in the area of a single or two car garage. Tools required are regular sockets and wrenches for the airframe and metric for the engine. Other tools include a drill, soldering iron, torque wrench and hand rivet gun.

The whole process should take between 50 and 75 hours depending on the options.

Quicksilver Mfg.®
42214 Sarah Way
Temecula, CA 92590   U.S.A.
Phone: (951) 506-0061 : (951) 506-1589

Quicksilver MX series Sprint II construction bubble packaging.

Quicksilver MX series Sprint II construction, dacron sails sets.

Quicksilver MX series Sprint II construction, bolt together construction.

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