Quicksilver Sprint II performance, Quicksilver Sprint II light sport aircraft performance.

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Quicksilver MX Spring II performance.

The Quicksilver Sprint II can be powered by the Rotax 503 twin cylinder liquid cooled two stroke engine.

The new Rotax 582 Blue head 65 HP liquid cooled engine can also be used.

With either engine the plane can be equipped with a 68 inch prop for excellent thrust. Both engine weigh in at the same weight empty but the 582 requires a radiator and coolant to be added to the weight.

With the 503 and two on board climb comes in at around 500 feet per minute, while the 582 will give another 250 to 300 feet. My choice for float operation would be the 582.

Cruise at 5800 rpm ranges from 45 to 50 mph. Approach speed for landing is 45 mph with a touch down at around 30 mph on the mains and the nose wheel dropping around 25.

The plane will easily get off the ground in 100 feet on a no wind day. With any kind of a head wind this will be 50 to 75 feet. While you can get it down and stopped in 150 to 200 feet my preference would be to have a nice 750 foot strip clear at both ends.

Quicksilver Mfg.®
42214 Sarah Way
Temecula, CA 92590   U.S.A.
Phone: (951) 506-0061 : (951) 506-1589

Quicksilver Sprint II taking off in Florida in less than 100 feet.
Quicksilver Sprint II taking off in Florida in less than 100 feet.

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