Infinity Power Parachutes was the first American powered parachute manufacturer to meet the new S-LSA certification program. They are also one of the first manufacturers to offer a Part 103 legal powered parachute. The Infinity Challenger single seat powered parachute comes equipped a Rotax 447 engine, and a 360 Performance Design Parachute. In meeting the weight limited Infinity "had to be very creative with the material used, and had limit the options." "Thus things like brakes, ceramic coated exhaust, full instrumentation, electric start, sliding seat rail adjuster, have had to be eliminated." Things that have not been eliminated are the strength, durability, and performance that Infinity has become known for. The Rotax 447 engine combined with the 360 PD chute will comfortably lift pilots from 150 to 225 lbs. The Challenger uses the standard control system found on all Infinity PPC's with a right handle throttle and left hand ground steering, with foot bars for inflight control. The plane comes from the factory fully assembled ready to fly. The only thing the owner has to do is break in the engine and attach the chute. For more information contact: |