Fisher Flying Products Avenger | Wing Span 27.00 ft. | Takeoff Dist 200 ft. | Wing Area 121.0 sq. ft. | Landing Dist 200 ft. | Length 16.25 ft, | VNE 63 mph | Max Gross Wt 600 lbs. | Cruise 60 mph | Empty Wt 250 lbs. | Stall 26 mph | Fuel Capacity 5 gal. | Climb Rate 900 fpm | Seats 1 | Cabin Width 24 in. | Engine 40 hp 40-65 | Construction Wood, Fabric | Plans Available | Est. Bldg. Time 300 hrs. |  Type of construction used on an Fisher Flying Products Avenger.
| About 10 years ago Bert Thibodeaux of Hiawath Iowa had a friend who was building a Fisher Flying Products Avenger. "After building about three ribs he sold the kit to me." Bert liked the design of the aircraft as it reminded him of vintage aircraft which were made from wood.After about 6 years of building off and on, he finished his Avenger and in 1994 the craft made it's first flight, and now has 105 hours on it. Bert's Avenger is powered by a Rotax 503, 50 horsepower two stroke engine using a 2.58 to one reduction drive. With this combination the Avenger gets off the ground in a couple of hundred feet, climbs out at over 1,000 feet per minute, cruises along comfortably at 75 mph and stalls around 35 mph. Bert is a professional carpenter by trade, but even he was "overwhelmed at first", when he started building the Avenger. Then he started to assemble the rudder and everything started coming together. Bert compares it to building a wood model aeroplane. Completing the kit required no special tools and construction was done comfortably in a 24 x 36 foot garage. "The drawings from Fisher Flying Products are very detailed, they have a lot of information on them." So much information that it was sometimes confusing. But when Bert had a question "the friendly people at Fisher Flying Products were always there to help." Bert feels that from start to finish he has spent about $5,000 and has 700 hours of building time into his Avenger. He loves the way it flies and has had no problems at all with it in over 100 hours of flying. Bert flies his Avenger out of his a grass strip in Cedar Rapids Iowa. |