Sprint 1000, M Squared Sprint 1,000 two seat light sport eligible aircraft. |
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M Squared Sprint 1000 two seat light sport eligible aircraft. | | The M Squared Sprint 1000 is a single surface, high wing, side-by-side, two-place ultralight type aircraft, with a maximum take-off weight of 1400 lbs. The wings are aerodynamic strut braced, with a multiple tube-braced tail. The landing gear is a tri-cycle arrangement with a steerable nose wheel. | The M Squared Sprint 1000 is delivered to the customer as a fly away aircraft. Standard features include the Rotax 65 HP twin cylinder two stroke aircraft engine with a C reduction drive, tachometer, temperature gauge, air speed indicator and propeller. Controls are standard stick and rudder with a center mounted stick and left and right and throttles. | M Squared Sprint 1000 general specifications | Model | Rotax 582 | No. Cylinders | 2 | Displacement | 580 CC | Horsepower | 64.5 H.P. | Recommended T.B.O. | 300 Hrs | Propeller | CARBON FIBER | Length | 228 in | Height | 7 ft 10 in | Wingspan | 32 ft 9 in | Wing Area | 180 sq. ft | Wing Loading | 21.5 lb/hp | Seats | 2 | Minimum Flight Crew | 1 | Empty Weight | 465 lbs | Useful Load | 935 lbs | Payload W/Full Fuel | 839 lbs | Max Take-off Weight | 1400 lbs | Fuel Capacity (Standard) | 16 gal | Structural rating | +6 -4 G | M Squared Sprint 1000 performance specifications | Takeoff Distance, Ground Roll | 135 ft | Takeoff Distance, 50 Ft Obstacle | 400 ft | Rate of Climb | 650 fpm | Max Level Speed, Sea Level | 68 mph | Landing Distance, 50 Ft Obstacle | 225 ft | Landing Distance, Ground Roll | 60 ft | Glide Ratio | 5.00 : 1 | Minimum Sink Rate | 575 fpm | | M Squared Sprint 1000 cruise performance | At 55% Power (rpm/mph) | 5000/45 | At 65% Power (rpm/mph) | 5300/50 | At 75% Power (rpm/mph) | 5600/58 | At 100% Power (rpm/mph) | 6500/68 | | M Squared Sprint 1000 airspeeds | Vx (Best angle of climb) | 38 mph | Vy (Best rate of climb) | 40 mph | Va (Design maneuvering) | 68 mph | Vne (Never Exceed) | 94 mph | Vs1 (Stall, Power off) | 27 mph | VsO (Stall, Flaps down, power off) | n/a | Landing Approach Speed | 40 mph | | For more information contact: M Squared Inc. 10050 A Hwy. 90 West St. Elmo Airport P.O. Box 457 St. Elmo, AL 36568 | 
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